It's been a month since I said I was back, and no post. I had laid out times to write, and taken notes on a hundred subjects, but every time I sat down with pen in hand, I kept encountering analysis paralysis... I found myself sympathizing with Rev Wells who wrote "I think I know why I’ve had such a hard time getting back into blogging. I just can’t convince myself there’s much I can add that would help.". I've been at it for years, with little evidence of progress.
There's two ways of looking at the long term- first, that the difference is being made whether you see it or not; no one person sees the eroding effects of their own footsteps, but the ancient stone steps do get worn away in time. The other is that continuing to do the same thing over and over without observable change is the very definition of psychosis.
I'm not worried about being perceived as a psychotic, or about being one; I suspect the psychotic has no trouble with motivation. That just leaves the question of whether continuing is a meaningful exercise or an ego driven waste.
Yep, I'm back myself! But "back" is different this time: more about who I'm following and thinking about and less about what I have to say. But how much I wanted to hear from you last Sunday, when our guest minister reported from her prison ministry that Odinists are often White Supremecists using religious cover to meet and explore ideas she -- their chaplain -- finds distasteful. She says it's all about listening to and affirming everyone without making judgmental statements when at all possible. Pure pastoring, in other words. hardest form of Universalism there is.
I would be very interested in talking to her about prison ministry, to compare notes and experiences.
Just happened to re-discover your blog and am glad to see that you intend to resume.
I'm unchurched at the moment, too. I loved my UU church where I used to live, but the one here is very large and showed no interest in having me as a member. In fact, the minister called me up and talked me out of adding my name to the rolls, so I stopped going.
Sorry about your bad experience with the 2 churches. I hope you'll write about your thoughts in this blog.
Start small. Sounds like you're trying to eat a mountain.
TK Kenyon
Hey, Joel :) "Signmom" and I (and our whole family) just moved back down south and have started attending a UU church in the hopes of having community. I've always enjoyed reading your thoughts and opinions and hope you continue, though I appreciate your frustration. May many blessings rain upon you and yours, Wise One.
I'm always thinking about this. Maybe it's time for a blogging sabbatical.
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