Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Well, I never!

John Derbyshire of “National Review”, (am I safe in assuming that I am in the minority as a UU blogger who reads National Review?), reports on a game they’re playing at the London Daily Telegraph in which you confess to things you have never done. Quoting John, “The trick is that the things you confess to never having done are things that — and this is of course highly life-context-dependent — you ought to have done, or feel you ought to have; or things of which the omission is surprising in some other way — e.g. lived your whole life in London but never seen the Thames. Things that hardly anyone does (“never been on safari”) don’t count.”

Ok... I have never:

Made it through an entire episode of Seinfeld.

Been to Disneyland. Or Florida, for that matter.

Attended a professional Baseball game.

Gone to a bar, unless invited to meet someone there.

Done “Trick or Treat for UNICEF”

Successfully pulled a tune out of a musical instrument.

Successfully negotiated a dance without incident.

Attempted to ski (snow or water) or surf. Or managed to swim without looking like a paddlewheel boat.

Gone two weeks without chocolate.

Gotten all Christmas or birthday cards out on time in any year.

Voted Democrat for President.

Sent a text message, or used any cell phone feature other than making a telephone call.

Had a haircut without thinking of David Crosby’s song “Almost Cut My Hair”.

Worn a pair of tennis shoes that cost more than $25.

Saved anything, music or data, onto a CD.

What have you never?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet! I haven't played "I never" since college!

((Made it through an entire episode of Seinfeld.))


((Been to Disneyland. Or Florida, for that matter.)))


((Attended a professional Baseball game.)))


(((Gone to a bar, unless invited to meet someone there.)))

I've gone with people, but never alone.

(((Gone two weeks without chocolate.)))

Drink, probably. It isn't the sweets that gets me, it's fried stuff.

(((Gotten all Christmas or birthday cards out on time in any year.)))


((Voted Democrat for President.))

((Sent a text message, or used any cell phone feature other than making a telephone call.)))


((Had a haircut without thinking of David Crosby’s song “Almost Cut My Hair”.))


(((Saved anything, music or data, onto a CD.)))


OK, I'll come up with my own list and put it up at the CB.